runmc is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham



Installation for Linux:

Installation under GNU/Linux PC requires X11, g++, g77 compilers and zip/unzip. To compile the package, you need first to install:

  1. ROOT C++ package;
  2. CERNLIB library;
  3. CLHEP class library;
  4. JAVA (JRE) virtual machine. Usually, it should be already installed. (check "java -version": you should see the version of java VM installed). The program can run only with the version 1.5 and above (not JRE 1.4.X!). If it is not installed, download it from SUN Web page
  5. You will need about 300M of the disk space. You do not need root permission to install RunMC. The RunMC package should always be installed in the user home directory.
  6. Then download the current version of the RUNMC (version 4.2) This file also includes RMC modules.

    If you do not have CLHEP and ROOT installed, you should follow to this installation procedure.

    Below I describe only the procedure assuming that CLHEP and ROOT libraries are already installed.

How to compile the RunMC package:

  • tar -zvxf runmc-[version].tar.gz, where [version] specifies the current version (4.1 etc);
  • cd RunMCv[version]/build i.e. go to the directory containing the package's source code, and edit "" file:

    (a) specify the location of the CERNLIB fortran library (default is CERN_DIR = /cern/pro/lib);

    (b) specify the location of the CLHEP library, library itself and the include files; (default is CLHEP_DIR= /cern/CLHEP/lib and CLHEPINC= /cern/CLHEP/include );

  • Add RUNMC enviromental variable and set to the location of the directory RunMCv[version], i.e. RUNMC= <path>/RunMCv[version]. Then add $RUNMC/bin to the Linux enviromental variable PATH

This can be done in .bashrc file:

sh family:

export RUNMC=<path>/RunMCv[version]
export PATH=$RUNMC/bin:$PATH

csh family:
setenv RUNMC <path>/RunMCv[version]
setenv PATH ${RUNMC}/bin:${PATH}


(replace <path> by the location of RunMCv[version])

Type “echo $RUNMC”, to be sure that you set this variable properly. You should see the following directories: “bin”, “build”, “proj”, “main”, “doc”.

It is also useful to check your ROOT installation. Do “cd $ROOTSYS/test” and type “make”. If the ROOT is correctly installed, all examples should be compiled without problems.

Then, go to $RUNMC/build and type "./" to compile the package. After first compilation, next compilations should take significantly less time

  • You can remove the program binaries and object files from the source code directory by typing "make cleanall'. To remove only object files, do "make clean"; To remove Monte-Carlo-related files, type "make cleanmc"

  • Go to the $RUNMC/proj directory and type "runmc" to start the graphical user interface (JRunMC), i.e. just type "runmc" (or "jrunmc")

In case of installation problems

This could happen if the static CLHEP library (extention *.a) or ROOT libraries are not properly installed

1) Test ROOT installation as : cd $RUNMC/build/test; ./
2) Test CLHEP installation as : cd $RUNMC/build/test; ./

In case of error messages, reinstall these libraries. Note that I cannot provide the support in case of ROOT/CLHEP problems, so please study the original web pages of ROOT and CLHEP class library;

How to install RunMC under Windows:

Read the instruction on this web page

S.Chekanov chekanov[AT]