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RunMC news, updates and Frequently Asked Questions

  • 2008, October 10: Errors such as
    "Error in : no memory mapped file capability available Use rootn.exe or link application against "-lNew" in a [project].err file. Once detected, RunMC stops the run.

    This can happen on the LXPLUS and Fedora 9 using the most recent ROOT versions (5.19 and above) and several programs such as LEPTO or AROMA. It is not totally clear how this error can occur, but there is a simple fix for it: Open the file: $RUNMC/main/src/analmc.cpp, and comment out all the lines which start with "TMapFile" and "mfile->". Then recompile the program (just type "make" from the directory $RUNMC/main/src/), and make from the directory $RUNMC/proj.

    The functionality of the RunMC will be almost the same. However, it will stop filling histograms into the shared memory and therefore, java histogram viewer "Tools"->"Histogram viewer" will not be functional (but one can still use the ROOT histogram viewer).

  • 2008, October 10: How to install RunMC on the LXPLUS at CERN?"

    RunMC can be installed on lxplus using "g77" compiler in the "" instead of "gfortran" For the "libtermcap.a" library, use this path: "/usr/lib64/libtermcap.a"

    To setup ROOT, use this setup (bash syntax):
    export ROOTSYS=/afs/
    export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH

  • 2007, October 20: Final RunMC version 4.2 release. It can be compiled without the CERNLIB and termcap library (which is completely gone for new Ubuntu 7.10). The termcap library is installed by default and located in $RUNMC/main/mcarlo/utils. This release includes the parton structure functions (PDF) library based on LHAPDF, so it does not require old PDFLIB library.

    This release can be installed also on 64-bit linux PCs using gfortran and gcc 4.2. For Ubuntu 7.10, use the script "build/" to build a single-user RunMC.

  • 2006, Nov 20: New RunMC version 4.2b test release. It can be compiled without the CERNLIB libraries and has a multiuser support. A library for the parton structure functions (PDF) is based on LHAPDF, therefore, most recent PDF sets are available (CTEQ6, MRST04). This program can be compiled using gcc4.2 and gfortran, and includes LHAPDF and CERNLIB. The size of the program is 43M. The program was tested on FC5 and FC6. Note:
    1) After unpacking, please read the installation instruction in the file "INSTALL", since the installation is slightly different from the stable release (v 4.1);

    2) HZTOOL RMC modules (i.e. hztool_"version".rmc) do not work since they require the CERNLIB library with HBOOK and PAW. At this moment, only the main functions from "kernlib" are included to this test release. If you want to work with the HZTOOL modules, use the stable RunMC version (v 4.1)

  • 2006, March 2: New RunMC version 4.1 (March 2, 2006). For this version, all histograms can be monitored using JAVA Histogram Browser (from the "Tools" menu). ROOT histogram browser also can be used, but only after end of the run. This version works best for the ROOT version 5.06 and higher. For older versions, you may get some messages as "*** Break *** write on a pipe with no one to read it", but you can ignore them.
  • 2006, April 10: You can update JRunMC version using "Help-JRunMC update". All RMC modules should be updated as well using the JRunMC option "Project-open RMC - Update".
  • 2006, April 10: Fast detector simulation (SIMDET) for LC is implemented in new module "lc_simdet.rmc" See Simdet web page for details.

S.Chekanov chekanov[AT]